Oct 23, 2021



In the midst of the deep darkness of Amazonia, a small faint light could be seen in the distance. That source of illumination came from a small cave located at the base of a huge rock wall, naturally formed over the course of millions of years. The wall was covered with undergrowth, ivy and huge roots that emerged from the extensive vegetation of the jungle. The place seemed to be inaccessible, as it was surrounded by a huge marshland that made it almost impossible to reach it on foot. The only way to reach it would be by swinging through vines high above, something only a few creatures could do. And yet, that little light was there in the middle of nowhere...

At the entrance of that cave, a curtain made of a transparent cloth served as a door, and on the floor there was a small mat made of the skin of some animal. Further inside, the same light was emitted by a set of candles lit in a row that produced a mist that hid the image of a dark-skinned woman sitting completely naked on the floor in lotus position. That girl was Miss Zé, who had stealthily escaped from the camp earlier that same night. She sat with her eyes closed in complete silence. After a few minutes, she began to speak aloud:

"Ek' Balam... your humble vessel pleads for your mighty wisdom. Manifest thyself to me, if you would..."

After uttering the enigmatic sentence, the mist began to dance unnaturally, forming the shape of what appeared to be a huge face with the characteristics of a feline beast. The huge eyes of the entity glowed as golden beacons while it stared at the brunette girl. Surprisingly, the phenomenon managed to pronounce itself before its invocation:

"Behold my presence. My attention is yours... What is it that you desire, cub?", the entity said with a spectral voice.

"I find myself in a crossroads and I'm in need of your sage advice", she answered.

"Speak, cub..."

"The will of the allmother has led me to encounter a being whose true nature has not yet been revealed. Her identity is a mystery to me. I need to unveil the truth that lies inside of her... but how should I approach it? What should I do?"

"What is the reason for your heart's doubt?"

"I... I don't know. The legend... the horror stories told by my tribe's people about the creature are still present in my mind. I remember them perfectly. But I feel something doesn't make sense. It's like everything I was taught about it was wrong. As if the creature was something else... a mere being of the most mundane kind. A human... just like me..."

"Should I remind you of the purpose of your mission?"

"What? No! That doesn't help! I know my purpose. I'm a protector. I must find... the White Devil... and eradicate it. That hasn't changed. But that was simple for me to understand some time ago. But now it's all very confusing. So much has happened. And that's not the worst of it. There's an even bigger threat out there. Danger lurks around every corner. I don't know what to believe anymore..."

"Your instincts fail you. The storm that clouds your senses has been fed by your fears and doubts, cub. To clear it, there is just but one way..."



"Really? Goddesses, I... I really wish there was another way. I mean, I care for this group of new people. And they seem to care for me. They saved me! But I definitely can't afford to take any more risks... I have to discover the truth once and for all..."

"Don't fall into hesitation, cub. You're the only one who can accomplish this. The allmother has placed this duty upon you. Your mind and spirit is the strongest weapon you have. When the time comes, just act. The whole pack is counting on it. But you're not alone, for my essence is in your soul and my strength is in your body. Never forget, my child.

"Yes. I understand now. Thank you as always. I just have one more question..."


"How long will you keep calling me cub? After all these years... I'm an adult woman, you know? Could you at least use another word from now on?"

"You're still a young vessel to me. What name would you prefer?"

"Ugh, forget I said anything..."



Y'shaati suddenly opened her eyes and drew in an altered breath. Her face was sweaty. She incorporated her upper body and observed everything around her. Her beautiful pale skin was covered with a blanket. Apparently she had forgotten where she had spent the night. A few seconds later, she remembered. Beside her, Lucas was sleeping soundly, while sunlight streamed through the tent's ceiling. A new day had arrived.

The blonde finally got up to see what was going on out there. Her sight: people walking back and forth without stopping, just like yesterday and probably just like the day before that. Surprisingly, none of them noticed her presence. Humans can become quite absent-minded, she thought. Looking on the opposite side of the tent, there was simply foliage. The embracing jungle. An exit through which Y'shaati could walk and disappear with absolutely no one noticing. Return to the ape's territory and continue with the life she knew. The choice was tempting, it was right there, she just had to choose. However, she turned to look once more at the sleeping boy. The girl knew that if she escaped, she would probably never see Lucas and the others ever again. She would be breaking her promise. Besides, she was really interested in learning more about these strange bipedal apes. She had to keep her word. Having made up her mind, she looked on the floor at the clothes Dr. Isabel had given her the night before and began to dress. It took her quite a few attempts to get the clothes on correctly, but she succeeded. Finally, she walked outside, leaving Lucas to rest a while longer.

Trying not to attract too much attention, Y'shaati searched discreetly, hoping to find some familiar face. But this time, she could feel the eyes of men on her. The blonde couldn't help blushing. Despite not being naked, she felt more vulnerable than ever. Fortunately, it didn't take her long to identify an old man in the distance. At the edge of the camp, Dr. Escudero and a few men from the group were discussing a matter of vital importance next to some huge wooden crates. For some reason, that white-haired man with the huge beard conveyed a sense of trust from the moment he met him. When Grandpa saw the girl approaching, he couldn't help but smile.

"Oh! Very good morning Miss Y'shaati! I hope you slept well!"

"Hello...", she said.

"I'm so glad to see you dressed up and presentable. Although I must clarify that I don't mind seeing you as you really are hahaha! But don't worry, I'm sure you're a girl capable of adapting to any situation. You'll get used to it, trust me!", said the old man winking at her.

"Oh lord, it's the savage girl...", one of the men said quietly.

"Hey, where are your manners, gentlemen? That's no way to talk to a lass! Her name is Y'shaati and she's doing her best to fit in, so the least you should do is address her with respect!", Grandpa exclaimed.

"Ah! Y-yes! My apologies, Dr. Escudero...", said the man.

"Good. Hmmm, come to think of it...", said Grandpa rubbing his white beard. "Taking advantage of her being here... yes, I think Miss Y'shaati could be of great help with this job..."

"WHAT!? B-b-but Dr. Escudero, are you sure that...?"

"My girl, could you give us a hand with this?", Grandpa interrupted.

"Y'shaati help...?", she asked confused.

"Yes, I'll explain. These good men need help carrying some boxes containing a large amount of fruit that we have been collecting to survive. Just like these ones here. However, these boxes are quite heavy and they are a bit far from here, near the river. All you have to do is to carry them with both... arms... just... like... this... arrgh...", said Grandpa showing him how to do it.

"Ca-rry...", she analyzed.

"Exactly! Ah! Phew... gosh, they're really heavy.... Did you understand, my girl? I feel it's an excellent opportunity!"

"Uh, opportunity of what?", another man asked.

"To test the extraordinary strength that Y'shaati possesses! If what my grandson told me is true, with her help, we could speed up the food gathering every day! Plus it would really help me formulate a theory to explain this nice lass abilities! Exciting, am I right? Hahaha!", Grandpa laughed.

"Uhm, Doctor... I don't want you to take this as an insult but... do you really think SHE can carry something so heavy by herself? I mean, she looks so thin and you could barely hold one...", said the same man in disbelief.

"Are you kidding? Of course she can! A girl who is strong enough to fight gorillas can do anything! This will be a piece of cake for her! What do you say, Miss Y'shaati? Do you think you can...", Grandpa and all the men were speechless as they watched Y'shaati carrying that box effortlessly.

"Y'shaati do right...?", the blonde asked.

"WHOAAA WHAT THE HELL THAT'S NOT POSSIBLE!!", the men shouted at the same time.

"YES! I knew it! I knew Lucas was telling the truth, hahahahaha! Wonderful job, Y'shaati! Bravo!", the old man clapped. The girl smiled. "See? I told you she was more than fit for this! Well no time to waste, get going! Take this talented young lass with you to help you with this task. And please gentlemen, I ask you again in the most polite manner to respect her. You've seen what she is capable of... surely none of you want to take a lethal beating from her, right? Hahahaha!"

"Ahh! Y-yes... don't worry, at your service Dr. Escudero...", said one of the men completely frightened. "T-t-this way, m-miss..."

"But...", Y'shaati whispered.

"Oh not to worry my girl, I'm just kidding haha! These guys are trustworthy. Go with them, you'll be fine!", Grandpa said. And so, Y'shaati walked off behind them feeling a bit insecure, not before turning back to look at the good doctor one more time.

"Good luck!", he exclaimed, "(My, what a girl.... Lucas was very lucky to find her...)", he said in his mind. Just then, Dr. Isabel appeared and walked up to meet Dr. Escudero. The woman had a rather serious look on her face.

"Archie...", she said.

"Oh Isabel! Good morning! How did you..."

"Archie, we need to talk. Come with me, ya ken?", she ordered.

"Oh... alright then." Without saying anything else, they both walked to Dr. Escudero's tent. Once inside, Isabel and Grandpa took a seat at his desk.

"What's the matter dear, why so serious all of a sudden, hehe?"

"First of all... promise that ye will be completely honest with me."

"Why, what happened?"

"Promise me!"

"My dear, I am always honest with you, I don't know what you mean..."

"Oh really? Then explain to me when ye were planning to talk to me about this!", the woman exclaimed angry before slamming Lucas' diary down on the desk.

"What the!? Where did you get that? Did you go through my stuff?"

"I have better questions than that... Where did Lucas find that diary? Why is the name 'Francis' crossed out? Why is it written in the same handwriting as the Francis I knew? Is it because it's the same handwriting as my ex-fiancé? Why? WHY!? Why the hell did ye hide this from me!?", Isabel yelled.

"I... I'm sorry... I told my grandson not to tell you anything. I'm so sorry..."

"Sorry? Really? That's all yer gonna say to me!?", she sobbed.

"No please don't cry, my dear. I didn't do it with bad intentions, I just wanted to spare you more sorrow... you already suffered too much..."

"Ye dinnae have the slightest idea! I've spent the last 20 years wondering every day where he might be... and the day a clue of his whereabouts finally appears, you keep it from me? He's here, lost and abandoned somewhere in this godforsaken place!"

"This is precisely why I didn't want to show you. Isabel, check the date on the pages... it pains me to tell you this, but I doubt very much that he is still..."

"I ken, I'm not stupid! I read it... I read it all...", said Isabel with tears coming out of her eyes.

"Gee, you read it all in one night?", asked Grandpa.

"Aye. And if there's one good thing about all this... at least now I know that the time he lived here... he was happy...", Isabel answered hugging the diary while crying. "He found all kinds of creatures, beautiful landscapes... it was what he wanted most in the world. This was his paradise. Then, apparently he met a native woman named Itatí... he fell in love with her... and even had a daughter..."

"Really? I would never have guessed it. But then... where could his wife and daughter be? If that was 20 years ago, then that girl must be a young woman by now..."

"Reckon we've already met her..."

"Excuse me?", the old man asked in confusion.

"The feral girl. Y'shaati is Francis' daughter."

"WHAT? B-But how on earth did you come to that absurd conclusion?", asked Dr. Escudero in disbelief.

"Yesterday, while I was brushing her hair... I looked into her eyes... and I saw him again in an instant... Francis' face", Isabel said, crying. "Deep in my heart, something tells me that she's his daughter. I know, it doesn't make any sense... it's just.... my God...", she said in a broken voice, covering her mouth with her hand.

"Oh my dear. Come here, I didn't mean to...", Grandpa said before getting up from his seat and hugging Isabel. They remained like that for a few seconds.

"This changes everything, Archie..."

"What do you mean?", asked Grandpa.

"I believe fate meant for us to find her. We can't leave her here. We've to take her back home..."

"You believe in fate now? But my dear, this place is her home."

"No! I... I have to take care of her from now on. She's the closest thing I have to Francis... I can feel it! This could be a new beginning fo me... and for her!"

Dr. Escudero remained in silence.


An hour after trekking through the jungle, Y'shaati and the men of the expedition arrived at their destination on the riverbank. The place looked quite peaceful. On the trees there hung all kinds of tropical fruits, so the men began to gather as much as they could, for the survival of the other people in the camp depended on it. While they worked, Y'shaati could do nothing but watch and wait for them to fill the boxes so she could carry them. As the minutes passed, boredom began to set in. She alone could have finished that tedious task, but there were rules she had to abide. Then, her stomach made a guttural sound. She still hadn't had breakfast, so it was time to remedy that matter.

"Ahhh, w-wait miss! Excuse me, but where are you going?", a man asked when he saw the blonde walking away.

"Y'shaati hungry!", she replied with a pouty face.

"Oh... yeah, okay I understand. Everyone here is hungry too, right guys? But we have to get this over with before we can get some rest and something to eat, so I ask you to please...", the man couldn't finish his request. When he turned to look at the girl, she was gone. "Ahhhh! Miss? Miss!? Damn, did anyone see where she go?"

"Who cares man, for me she can do whatever she wants! I don't trust her, I feel like she could go ape-shit crazy at any moment. She ain't no miss, there's nothing feminine about her. Really gives me the creeps...", another man replied.

"Well, to tell you the truth I think the same thing. Okay then, we'll think of an excuse to tell the doctor when we get back..."

Among the foliage, Y'shaati was looking for a specific fruit to calm her hunger. She had a craving for a tasty papaya, so taking advantage of the fact that many fruits were already on the ground, she decided to crawl to detect the scent of such food. However, apparently the blonde wasn't the only one lurking around. Behind her, plants moved suspiciously where she had passed. And judging by the sound of the footsteps, it wasn't something human-sized. It was something much larger than that. Before Y'shaati could continue, her survival instinct kicked in. A shiver in her body let her know that she was being stalked. Unbeknownst to her, a shadow also moved quickly above her.

Alerted, she turned around and slowly approached the foliage. At the same time, an extended and guttural sound came on. It was clear that some creature was hiding behind the plants. But for some reason, it dared not attack. Y'shaati hesitated for a moment, but decided to move even closer to reveal the predator: hidden in the darkness, two yellow eyes and the huge snout of a black feline roared in front of her. The blonde backed away in fright. It was an Onsa, similar to the one she and Lucas had faced days before. The girl had no choice, it was time to fight.

Unexpectedly, before the battle could even begin, the shadow moving through the heights landed right behind her and whispered in her ear:

"I'm sorry, but you're coming with me..."

Y'shaati felt a strong blow to the back of her head... and a second later, she fell to the ground, knocked out.


After an unknown length of time, Y'shaati finally managed to regain consciousness. Everything was spinning. Little by little, she observed the place where she was. A very faint light produced by a few candles illuminated the place. Pieces of clothing scattered on the floor. Strange objects made of wood. But the huge feline creature was nowhere to be seen. Could this be its hideout? She couldn't say for sure. It all happened too fast.

"It's about time you woke up...", said a brunette girl in front of her. Y'shaati recognized that voice. The shape of her hair. The color of her skin. With a bit of trouble, the blonde managed to stand up and observe Miss Zé, standing there in front of her, naked from head to toe.

"Finally we have a moment just for the two of us. Get to know each other. For some reason, I think we were destined to meet. But I never imagined it this way. You made me reconcider a lot of things for a while, not gonna lie. Now, I have to know the truth...", the native girl said as she walked menacingly towards the blonde. Y'shaati didn't have the slightest idea of what was going on, but it was obvious that Miss Zé already had everything calculated from the beginning. Was she the one who attacked her from behind? They both didn't have to be there. It all seemed to be a big mistake.

"This is who I really am... my name is Uyari. And now it's your turn to reveal your true form...", Zé said as her eyes glowed covered in a golden aura.

"No... Y'shaati no...", the blonde said confused.

Don't lie to me! Show me your true nature, daughter of apes! if that's your real name. We both know you're not a simple and innocent girl... everyone in the camp seems to be completely fascinated by your charms, but not me! The allmother, through Ek' Balam's spirit has entrusted me with the sacred mission to end your reign of terror over the tribes of the jungle. I must stop you. I must put an end to your myth... White Devil!"


How did all end up like this? Is this what Y'shaati truly wanted? Perhaps it's what Y'shaati always deserved? Y'shaati doesn...