Jun 25, 2022


 -.This short story takes place between the 1st arc (Beginnings) and the 2nd arc (The Dark Lands).-

Slithering slowly through the environs of a foggy swamp, a long and fearsome boa constrictor makes its way through the jungle. The birds, amphibians and other inhabitants of this place hide from its presence. Others keep their distance from the predator to ensure their survival. Despite its sluggish movement, the imposing reptile has the ability to strike as fast as lightning. However, this creature in particular has no intention of feeding with them right now. Its stomach looks bloated, indicating that its hunger was already satiated almost an hour before its arrival. It was an easy and delicious prey that didn't even put up a fight when it was devoured while sleeping. And a basic rule of the jungle that all wildlife follows is that no opportunity to eat should be wasted.

The boa finally reaches its lair located among fallen logs, thick undergrowth and stagnant water. After curling up its body, the serpent prepares to sleep for a few hours until nightfall, when its need for nourishment returns once again. But before it can close its big yellow eyes to rest, the huge snake feels a strange sensation. A discomfort coming from its belly. The reptile decides to ignore it at first, but it knows something is definitely wrong when the lump inside its stomach begins to move upward. Something pushes violently from inside its scaly skin, causing internal vibrations. It's not pleasant at all. By taking a closer look to inspect its own body, the boa even manages to hear the sounds produced by whatever its battling to escape from its entrails. One thing is certain: it sounds aggressive and really pissed. The boa struggles to come up with a solution, but its lack of intelligence and limbs limits its abililty to do more. The only thing it can do for now is watch.

The bulge picks up the pace and moves rapidly up through its esophagus, approaching closer and closer every time to the only possible exit. By this point, the snake starts to retch, feeling the always distressing urge to vomit. It writhes as it shakes its lengthy tail in anguish, preparing for the worst outcome. Suddenly, a force causes its snout to open just halfway. There, two arms and a clump of hair can be glimpsed holding both ends of its jaw. The reptile panics. In a desperate last attempt to contain the situation, it closes its mouth tightly and swallows the bulge back down its throat. And for a few seconds, it works. The fight stops. Everything steadily returns to normal. No more inner movements nor a single noise, only the calm beat of its own cold blood-filled heart. The giant boa breathes with great relief thinking that it's over. Soon it will be able to return to sleep and digest its dinner in peace.

But unexpectedly, the serpent's snout opens yet again, and this time in a most brutal way. Amidst a great splash of saliva, a naked blonde girl emerges screaming. Displaying extraordinary strength, she holds the creature's maw open with both hands and half a foot. No matter how hard it tries, the boa can't do anything to prevent its prey from escaping. The girl lifts her left leg and propels herself up one last time to free herself completely. She falls to the ground, covered from head to toe in that translucent, sticky substance. She lies there for a few seconds, exhausted. Breathing and coughing agitated.

Still drooling, the reptile looks at her in amazement. It's the first time a meal has managed to escape like that. Perhaps if it were more motivated, the boa would try to seize the opportunity to devour her a second time, but it has no desire to challenge this tough creature. The blonde squats down and shakes her body dry. She slowly lifts her gaze and looks at the snake straight in the eyes with a serious face. Despite its big size compared to hers, the predator is afraid of what she will do next. Without a warning, the girl starts howling and yelling like an enraged monkey while savagely beating her breasts.

Threatened, the serpent stretches out its long body and flees immediately, regretting having messed with her. As the animal goes away through the dense foliage, Y'shaati sighs relieved. She proceeds to climb a tree and sit on a branch to reflect on what happened and how lucky she was: she should be more careful where she takes her after-dinner nap from now on.

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How did all end up like this? Is this what Y'shaati truly wanted? Perhaps it's what Y'shaati always deserved? Y'shaati doesn...