Feb 19, 2022



The afternoon was vanishing very quickly in the jungle. Several hours had already passed since Y'shaati and Uyari disappeared earlier in the morning. Evidently, it didn't take long for the people in the camp to notice the absence of both girls, among them Lucas, who was walking worried from one side to the other, trying to think where they could have gone. No one saw nor knew anything about them. The young boy blamed himself for having stayed in bed late and for having scolded the wild blonde the night before. Some time after that, the group of men with whom Y'shaati had gone fruit-picking with were finally back in the camp. Dr. Isabel, Dr. Escudero and his grandson greeted them, but their expressions soon changed by the time they asked why Y'shaati hadn't returned with them. The discussion was about to escalate.

"What do you mean you lost sight of her? Are you serious!?", Dr. Escudero asked in disbelief.

"W-we are very sorry, Dr. Escudero... we are truly ashamed for having-", one of them replied.

"Ach, like heck ye should be! Dr. Escudero gave ye one assignment! ONE!! Ye have no idea how important that lass is for me and for all of us! What in the world were ye thinking, ya bunch of bampots!?", Dr. Isabel exclaimed completely enraged, shaking the man by the collar of his shirt.

"Sheesh, calm down woman! At least let the guy explain to us what happened!", said Dr. Escudero trying to calm the situation.

"Ahhh, we didn't mean to! S-she said she was hungry and just walked away! Who knows what she would've done to us if we had tried to stop her!", the man said in a nervous voice. "That's right, w-we didn't wanna risk it!", stated other man.

"Are you really that afraid of a young girl? I'm very disappointed of you gentlemen! Unbelievable...", Grandpa said.

"I don't know, something's not right. Miss Zé also disappeared, and now that I think of it... Marco isn't here either! What if that prick did something to them!?", Lucas asked terrified.

"Geez my boy, what do you have against Marco? I understand that you two don't like each other, but come on. Him kidnapping two girls seems like something far-fetched to me...", said Dr. Escudero. The disappointment surged on the boy's face.

"What? Why do you always defend him? So many times I've tried to tell you that he can't be trusted! I've known him for many years! He's a psycho in the making and has been fooling you all this time!", Lucas claimed pointing at his grandfather.

"Because he is my best student! I wouldn't have made him my assistant if I didn't fully trust him. I wasn't born yesterday, you know? I've known him for years too, and among all my students, he's the only one who has shown me to have what it takes to-", Grandpa was interrupted.

"The only one...? So I'm not good enough student for you? For this expedition? Is it because I'm not brave enough, or because I don't have the best grades, huh?", the boy asked heartbroken. "N-No! That's not what I meant! I-I'm just trying to say...", Grandpa answered.

"He has terrorized me since we were in highschool but you're too blind to notice! Why don't you ever listen to me!?", Lucas shouted angry before walking towards the exit. "Hey, where ya going?", Isabel asked.

"I'm gonna find Y'shaati and Miss Zé by myself... I can't simply stay here and just wait. I'll prove to you that I can do something right for once and that you're wrong about Marco!", the boy exclaimed just as he left the tent.

"Damn...", the old man sighed with regret.

"Oh my dear Lucas...", Isabel whispered. Then, she focused her hostile gaze to the men in front of her.

"Grrrrrrrr!! Look at what ye caused, this is all yer fault! Yer gonna fix this problem right away, ya ken? Go after Lucas and help him in his search. I dinnae wanna lose him again!", the woman ordered. "What are ya waiting for? MOVE NOW!!"

"Y-yes ma'am!", the men replied with the exception of one. "No..."

"Excuuuse me!?", Isabel asked indignated upon hearing such word.

"I said no! I've had enough of this! Ever since that brute blonde girl got here everything has revolved around her. And we're not even close to getting out of this damn jungle! Have you already forgotten that little matter!? We're just wasting time. I'm tired!", the man said very frustrated.

"Hey! watch your words, pal. That's no way to talk to a lady!", said Dr. Escudero confronting the man.

"I don't care anymore! I'm gonna find a way to go home alone. I wanna live! You can all stay here and do whatever you want, coz I'm not working in this stupid camp anymore... starting right now!!", the man sentenced before turning to leave the tent. Before he could make it through the exit, a bullet pierced the man's neck.

"Aggghhhh...!!!", the man groaned as a spray of his blood splattered everybody. The man fell dead almost instantly. Everyone remained shocked at the scene.

"Hyaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh!!!", cried Isabel in horror. "Holy mother...", Grandpa gasped.

Just then, several gunshots could be heard from outside the tent. The screams of the people accompanied the sound of the weapons as a bad omen of what was about to happen. "What the hell is going on out there!?", one of the men asked. At the same time, a burst of bullets tore through the walls of the tent.

"Everybody get down!!!", Dr. Escudero shouted before grabbing Isabel by her arm and take cover with her behind a desk. The burst sent pieces of wood and debris flying everywhere. Only the two of them managed to take cover on time. The supports of the tent didn't resist much longer, causing the structure to collapse completely, hiding the old man and the woman underneath the tarp. Meanwhile on the outside, a true hell broke loose. A large group of fully armed men arrived at the camp and shot everyone in their path. Others armed with knives and machetes attacked as well and finished off the wounded. Screams of desperation and pain flooded the whole place. Pure chaos. Among the mercenaries, their leader walked calmly as he headed towards Dr. Escudero's tent.

"Isabel! Isabel!!", Grandpa said trying to speak in a low voice. The woman was still in shock.

"H-how... h-how did this happen...?", she stammered with tears in her eyes. "I have no clue, but this is bad! We need to get out of here before they see us!", he suggested. "O-okay...", Isabel replied. Unfortunately, before they could act, someone approached and lifted the tarp.

"Hoooo, good day Dr. Escudero! You don't know how glad I am to see you again, hee hee hee!", said the mysterious man.

"Wait... Dr. Faucault...? Is that really you!?", the old man asked confused.

"You're goddamn right it's me! Although I'm afraid you've probably figured out by now that I'm no doctor, hahaha! Oh Dr. Isabel, you are here too. I almost didn't see you there! Oh, where are my manners? Let me give you a hand m'lady...", said the evil man before taking the woman by force.

"Nooooo!! Keep yer dirty hands off me!!", Isabel yelled as Faucault lifted her off the ground.

"Hey!! Leave her alone!!", Grandpa ordered as he tried to stand up.

"Uh-uh, I wouldn't recommend playing the hero right now Doc...", Faucault said as he aimed his shotgun at him. "Listen everybody! Check for those who are still alive and line them up! I have A LOT to talk about with my former colleague, hee hee!"

Several meters away from the camp, Lucas heard the sound of gunfire. Fortune had favored him when he decided to leave minutes before the assault occurred. But the first thought that came to his mind was the safety of his grandfather and Dr. Isabel. His moment of anger was quickly forgotten.

"What the...? Oh no... no please, this can't be happening!", he said as he ran back to the camp. To avoid being seen, the boy hid between some thick bushes. His bad feeling came true as he observed the nightmarish scene: his old man captured and kneeling with Isabel and other three survivors. Bloodstains and dead bodies everywhere. Evil thugs laughing, pointing their guns at them. The same ones who had "rescued" him three days ago.

"(Oh crap!! How did those bastards find us!?)", Lucas wondered with his hands on his head. Faucault paced back and forth as he looked at Dr. Escudero.

"How did you survive? I thought you died the night of the ambush!", Grandpa asked.

"Heh... funny you ask, Doctor. We certainly came so close to dying. Those damn black jaguars almost wiped us all out. Fortunately we made it back to the captain's ship to use these nice little toys we brought, ha!", Faucault replied with a cynical laugh.

"D-Did you guys bring those guns on the boat the whole time!? How...?"

"Of course, they are our travel insurance. Didn't I just tell you? In my line of work, guns are essential tools. I'm sure you understand that."

"Dammit... how could I be such an idiot? Being deceived by a group of murderers. Now I see why you were so excited to work with us as soon as we arrived at Puerto Maldonado. The research, this expedition... everything was lie...", Grandpa said disappointed of himself.

"Archie... Ya screwball hooligans! Ye won't get away with this!", Isabel exclaimed.

"Oh don't feel bad, Doctor. I'm a professional. How could you've known? My job is to be very discreet in that regard. Besides, we couldn't have done it without the little help of your best student, haha!", Faucault laughed.

"What...!?", the old man asked in surprise. At that moment, Marco pushed his way to the front among the men.

"I'm sorry to tell you this, but I think you'll have to find yourself a new assistant, hehe...", said the blond boy with a wicked smile.

"Marco... you brought them here!? Why? Why would you-?", Dr. Escudero asked.

"(Marco... you... you son of a bitch!!)", Lucas shouted inside his head, looking at the traitor from afar.

"It's nothing personal. But frankly I had enough of you and that stupid university. When we got here, I accidentally discovered the small arsenal this people brought with them. I'll be honest, I was going to tell you about it... but the good 'Doctor' here convinced me and offered something you could never possibly give me. A true treasure!"

"Tch! Ye sold us out for some dirty money!? Damn you Marco! Lucas was right, all along", Isabel said. "Oh god, what have I done...?", Grandpa said depressed.

"I believe you should listen to your cowardly grandson more often, hahaha!", Faucault laughed again.

"By the way... where's the blondie? I don't see any trace of her around here...", Marco wondered. "Shit, I was hoping she would be here. I had planned to take her with me and finally have some hot 'action' with her", Marco said licking his lips.

"Oh for fuck's sake, Marco. Are you still imagining naked girls? You seriously need to beat your meat or something kid", Faucault joked while all the men laughed at the blond boy. "HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!"

"What? SHE'S REAL!! I even talked with her the other day! You can ask the doctors, they know her too!", Marco claimed.

"Yeah yeah alright, that's enough chat... time to get into business. Now, where the fuck is the tour guide?", Faucault asked.

"M-Miss Zé...? I have no idea", Grandpa said with his eyes closed.

"Wrong answer...", Faucault said just before shooting one of the kneeling survivors in the chest. "Hyaaaaahhh!!", Isabel screamed.

"Nooooo!! You bastard!!", Dr. Escudero shouted in despair.

"For every wrong answer, I'm going to put a bullet in every one of them. I recommend you to answer carefully next time, yes? Alright, second attempt...", said the mercenary reloading his shotgun. "Where's that fucking girl!?"

While all this happened, Lucas continued to witness the slaughter, completely horrified. "(Oh my God!! I... I must do something!!)", the boy thought. "(I must be brave... I can't just run away. I must overcome my fear!!)", he kept repeating to himself, but his body didn't move an inch. He was completely frozen.

"(Why...? why can't I do it!? Why am I such a coward!?)", he sobbed. Just then, a huge figure landed behind him, shaking the ground. Almost paralyzed, the boy slowly turned around.

"Ah... Ah... Ah...", the boy tried to scream, but no sound came out of his mouth at the sight of the huge black feline breathing inches away from his face. However, his voice returned as he noticed the presence of two familiar girls sitting on the beast's back.

"Y'shaati!!! Miss Zé!!!)", he said completely astonished. "Lucas!", exclaimed the blonde.

"Lucas! What happened?", Zé asked worried. "W-where the heck were you been!? Why are you riding an Onsa!? And why are you both naked!?!?", the poor boy asked confused and blushing a little.

"I'll explain it later! Tell me what's happening!", Zé insisted as both girls descended from Ikta. "Bad humans there...", Y'shaati said pointing at the mercs.

"Y-yes, Faucault is here! He and his men raided the camp by surprise! And they're going to kill Isabel and my Grandpa!", he answered crying. "H-he says he's looking for you."

"Goddeses! This is all my fault... I'm really sorry. I'll handle this, you stay here with Y'shaati, okay? Don't do anything wreckless. Ikta, please protect them!", the brunette ordered before running to the exterior.

"Nooooo wait! Miss Zé! Don't-", Lucas unsuccessfully tried to stop her. The feral girl remained puzzled.

"Lucas okay?", she asked. "Y-Yes. I'm alright... I'm glad to see you safe too, monkey girl", he answered. Meanwhile, Faucault had already killed the three remaining survivors, which meant that Dr. Isabel was next in line. Helplessly, Dr. Escudero pleaded for the woman's life, who was like a daughter to him.

"Please don't do it! I tell you I don't know where she is! It's true, she was here... but she disappeared yesterday, I swear!", Grandpa said. "Archie...", Isabel whispered in tears and with her eyes closed.

"Hmmmm... nah, shame. Don't get me wrong, you almost convinced me this time. Better say your goodbyes to her now", Faucault said putting his shotgun at point-blank range, right on the woman's back.

"Stop right there!!!", Zé shouted as she arrived swinging from a vine, landing just in time. "Don't you dare hurt her!" At that moment, all the mercenaries pointed their weapons at the native girl.

"Oh! Look at that! Perfect timing! Saved by the bell, heh...", Faucault said with a sinister smile.

"M-M-Miss Zé...!?", Grandpa stuttered. "Zé darlin! But how... what happened to ya?", Isabel asked.

"Don't worry. Everything will be alright very soon, trust me...", Zé answered. The mercenaries couldn't help but notice the beauty of the dark-skinned girl's nude body. They started to whistle and tell her all kinds of obscenities and distasteful compliments.

"Hell, look at the chica's tits and pussy! That's what I wanted to see!", said one of them. "Come here bonita, I'm gonna to be your papi... I have a present in my pants for you, hahaha!", said another one as they all laughed.

"Ugh... bunch of pervs...", she sighed rolling her eyes in disgust.

"Calm down gentlemen. Don't get carried away by her charms. This bitch already fooled us once...", Faucault mentioned. "You and the doctor's grandson were very clever to manage escape from our site. I should thank you. Thanks to that we are here. But I'm afraid our little conversation that day was left unfinished remember? Perhaps you require more punishment", Faucault bragged, referring to the torture she suffered at his hands three days earlier.

"You didn't break me before. You won't break me now!", she answered.

"Insolent. You are the one responsible for all of this! And you've always had the information we needed from the very beginning. I think you know how this works so, answer the damn question: where the fuck is the Amazonite!?", Faucault asked with an unhinged look on his face.

"You are a madman. I don't know who told you about the existence of that cursed thing", Zé stated.

"Well, I have some contacts."

"You don't have the slightest idea of what you're pursuing..."

"Oh? Is that so? Interesting. That only tells me it's surely a more magnificent treasure than I had thought, HA!"

"No, you're wrong. You're terribly wrong! The Amazonite is Death. Corruption. Damnation."

"Pfffffffttt... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Do you really expect me to believe those stupid bedtime stories!? Come on!"

"You really want to see what the Amazonite is capable of? Alright then. You win..."


"I'll tell you its location... I'll tell you how to reach Mura Nunka. But I won't be responsible for what happens to you or the men who follow you. You will just be leading them straight to their graves. And after that happens, I will simply fulfill the purpose the gods gave me, eliminating the chaos you leave in your path and put you out of your misery... just like you did with all the natives you killed many years ago...", Zé warned.

"W-what!? Who told you of...? Don't fuck with me, girl... TELL ME WHERE'S MY TREASURE ALREADY!!!"

"I will if you free Dr. Escudero and Dr. Isabel right now...", Zé pointed out. She could tell Faucault was beginning to lose patience. His body language denoted doubt. His breath was fast-paced. His thirst for power dominated him. His face sweated, looking like a bomb that could detonate in any second. In the absence of an answer from their leader and the girl's threatening predictions, the mercenaries started to look at each other in the face of the uncertain scenario.

"Tch... you fucking bitch. I won't deny it, for a savage, you really are something else hehehe...", laughed Faucault suspiciously. "Very well. Wanna deal? We'll have a deal then. But... I'll only give you one of them. I'll keep the other one as a guarantee that you're not lying to me."

"I would never lie in a situation like this. I would never risk the lives of innocents. I'm not like you. But I guess it will only work this way, otherwise we will be at a crossroads forever...", said the native girl.

"Then choose! Make your move. Who will you save, heroine?", asked Faucault.

"(Damn... here goes...)", Zé thought before taking a deep breath and deciding.

"I-I choose... Dr. Isabel."

"Oh? Hahahaha! Fair enough...", Faucault agreed, certainly not expecting that answer. "Well, who would've guessed it? Turns out you're a very lucky woman. Get out of here...", he said as he lifted Isabel up and pushed her forward. Isabel walked quickly to where Zé was.

"Are you all right, Doctor?", the brunette asked. "I-I'm fine, dear... dinnae listen to that eejit!", the woman replied. Meanwhile, Faucault lifted Dr. Escudero in the same manner and pushed him towards where the mercenaries were. "Well, your turn girl. Be smart about what you're gonna say...", Faucault said while his men threatened to shot Grandpa.

"The entrance to Mura Nunka is located at the end of the Javary River flow. The same river in which the expedition has traveled all this time. There you will find a basin, a stone wall with a very peculiar shape and a huge tunnel blocked by foliage and roots. That's the entrance to an Icamiaba temple flooded thousands of years ago... you can't miss it. That place is Mura Nunka. That's where you will find the amazonite. If you leave right now you will arrive in a day and a half...", Zé confessed reluctantly.

"Hee hee hee! See, that wasn't so hard, was it?", Faucault said. "Alright, you heard the savage gentlemen, back to the boat, no time to lose! Don't worry, we're gonna take good care of your dear Doctor. Who knows, maybe if your indications turn out to be true, you may see him again... or maybe not, that's up to you hahahaha!!", Faucault laughed as his men took Grandpa away as their prisoner.

"You did the right thing, Zé. Thank you. And please... tell Lucas I'm sorry...", Grandpa managed to say before they covered his head with a sack.

"So long, bitches!", Marco mocked them and gave them the middle finger before leaving with the mercenaries. Unable to do anything, Isabel and the brunette simply watched the monsters leaving the place. A few seconds later, peace finally returned to the jungle. Birds and small animals came out of hiding. The danger was over. Just then, Lucas came out the bushes to help his friends. Y'shaati followed him closely.

"My wee Lucas! Please forgive me! We should have listened to ya. Oh, I'm so glad to see ya safe...", Isabel said relieved before hugging the boy. "M-Me too. But, my grandpa... they kidnapped him...", Lucas sobbed.

"I'm deeply sorry. We're going to get it back. I make this promise to you...", Zé stated with a serious expression on her face. "Promise...", Y'shaati murmured knowing the meaning of that special word.

"Oh, Y'shaati darlin! Thank God you're safe too!", Isabel also hugged the wild girl. The blonde wasn't expecting such display of affection. "Och, what happened to the cute cloths I gave ya? What happened to both of ye, actually?", the woman asked the girls before noticing Ikta coming out from the bushes as well.

"Aaaaaaaaaahhh!!! One of those black jaguars!!!", she screamed frightened.

"No no! It's okay! S-she's with me. Her name's Ikta. She's my sister...", Zé confessed.

"SISTER!?!?", Lucas and Isabel asked shocked at the same time.

"I'm afraid I haven't been completely honest with you all. I have a lot of things to explain."


Night had come again. It seemed that the days in the jungle passed much faster than anywhere else in the world. After the horrible incident, Y'shaati, Lucas, Zé and Isabel were resting around a small improvised bonfire. The camp was completely ruined. The green soil was stained with blood. What until a few hours ago was a small haven of hope, was now simply the vestige of a massacre. They talked in low voice, lamenting the death of the members of the expedition. A few hours earlier, they had all collaborated to give a dignified burial to the deceased, burying them near the river. Y'shaati knew it was a mournful situation. Despite having lived all her life in the wilderness among apes, she knew perfectly what loss was and how it felt. Lucas was saddened by the fate of his grandfather, regretting that he had yelled at him before they parted. Isabel was depressed, thinking that an inevitable death awaited them all. Zé was overcome with guilt and impotence of not having been able to do more to save more people. At that moment, she decided to reveal to them the whole truth about who she really was. Y'shaati listened attentive, even though she didn't understand all the words.

"This has all been my fault. I've been lying to you all this time. I'm not who you really think I am...", Zé said.

"It's okay dear. Ye already told us that yer real name was Uyari, no?", Isabel asked. "Uh-ya-ree...", Y'shaati babbled.

"Yes, but that's only a half-truth...", the brunette mentioned. "Zé Correa is just an identity I invented to go unnoticed in the civilized world. I was born here in Amazonia. I'm a guardian of the jungle...", she stated.

"Guardian?", Lucas asked. "What does that mean?"

"It means the gods chose me as their vessel to protect the jungle and all its inhabitants from any threat. In my culture, people like me are called A'nya. The A'nya have a sacred duty to serve the allmother and keep the peace in Amazonia...", Uyari replied.

"Gosh. That's a big responsibility for a single lass of yer age...", Isabel said.

"I'm not alone. I was blessed with the essence of Ek' Balam, the Jaguar God inside my body. His power is my power", said Uyari as the color of her eyes turned golden as a sign of her abilities. Lucas and Isabel looked jawdropped.

"Whoa! How is that possible...!?", Lucas asked. "Pure dead brilliant!", Isabel said fascinated.

"I wasn't always like this... I was an ordinary girl when I lived with my tribe. I was part of the Yanomamí tribe. I lived here until I was seven years old. After that, I was a victim of fate...", Uyari claimed.

"What happened to you?", Lucas asked.

A few days after my seventh birthday, my village was attacked by a group of men from the civilized world. They came with their guns and machetes. They burned our houses. They cut down our trees. They looted our relics. And finally, they killed all our people. The leader of my tribe, chief Tuxawa and his warriors fought bravely against the killers, but they could do nothing against them. My tribe was peaceful, we were not especially known for having skilled champions. When they came, my mother and father managed to hide me from them. They sacrificed themselves to save me. I still remember their eyes and the way they looked at me before they died. I could never forget it. When the killing was over, I emerged from the rubble of my hut. I contemplated the dead, the chaos. My body was covered with ashes. The smoke in the air. The infertile earth. I was alone. I was the only survivor in the whole village. I was the last of the Yanomamí...", Uyari counted.

"My goodness... ye went through hell being just a wee girl. I'm really sorry. But how did ye survive in the jungle all by yerself then?", Isabel wondered.

"You may find this story hard to believe. I wandered around the jungle with no direction. I had nowhere to go. I slept wherever I could. I don't know how many days or weeks had passed, but I was starving. I could feel my soul escaping from my body. I was so afraid of dying, but for some reason, I believed that if I let the allmother reclaim my life, I could be reunited with my parents in Yvága, the great beyond. But she had a plan for me. before I could die, I was found by a young female Onsa. You already met her. Ikta was the one who found me. I don't know why she did it, but she took pity on me and saved my life by taking me to her pack. The Onsa fed me raw meat and accepted me as one of their own. I became part of the pack. They taught me how to survive in the jungle. I became an Onsa. I had a second chance. It was like being reborn. I was happy again. I had a family again...", Uyari said with a nostalgic smile.

"(I think it's not the first time I've heard such a story...)", Lucas thought in his mind as he turned to look at Y'shaati.

"However, years later, something unexpected happened again. After my eighteenth birthday, one night, I had a mysterious dream. I was floating in the air in front of a warm light. That glow began to speak to me in an ancient language that I couldn't understand. And then, just before I woke up, I could feel that light entering my body. I had never felt like that in my whole life. Then I woke up. I thought it was just a bad dream, but moments later, I discovered that I could now communicate and understand the language of the Onsa. I was able to speak in primitive languages that I didn't even know of. I felt more alive and stronger than ever. My body had acquired the strength and agility similar to that of the Onsa. I now possessed all their gifts and abilities. My soul was truly now that of an Onsa. The pack told me that I had a purpose: I had been chosen by a higher being and my role was to be a his recipient. I swore before them that I would dedicate my life to maintaining peace and harmony in Amazonia", Uyari said.

"Good gracious...", Isabel said trying to digest the story. "Damn...", Lucas gasped.

"Years after that, as an adult woman, I decided to get back in touch with human tribes. I traveled to all corners of the jungle to let them know that I would protect them from any threat. The vast majority of the tribes worshipped me as a goddess. Some others... not so much. However, as I studied the myths and legends, I came to a conclusion. I realized that the greatest danger lay not within Amazonia, but outside of it. The outside world... the civilized world. If I really wanted to fulfill my purpose, I had to know the origin of my enemies. I had to infiltrate. Blend in among the humans to learn more about them. To be prepared for any danger. So I made the difficult decision to leave my pack behind and leave the jungle for a while and start living in modern society. Your world. I adopted a new identity. Nowdays I work in Manaus as a guide and interpreter of native languages. But I only do it to take care of the only thing that matters to me: my home...", Uyari explained with determination.

"Sheesh, I'm fair puckled! I never imagined ye had an origin like that... yer are extraordinary, darlin!", said Isabel feeling inspired. "I know it's hard to believe, but that's the truth...", said the brunette.

"Of course we believe you! But...", Lucas hesitated. "If what you say is true... then what Faucault said was also true? You ordered the Onsa to attack us? You set us up!?", he asked the upset.

"Yes... it's true...", she admitted regretfully.

"Ah!? How could you do that!?"

"I had no choice! I thought you were all just like him!"

"Wait what, you mean you already knew him?"

"Yes! He was one of the murderers who killed my people and my parents! He was there! He was participant in the massacre of my tribe! He didn't recognize me. I was just a child... but I could never forget the face of that monster!"


"And now... after many years... that fiend dared to return. I heard from a good source that he would be traveling into the jungle with a group of scientists. I thought that was a mere facade. I wasn't going to forgive him! I swore that when I had him face to face again, I would take his life without hesitation! I would do justice for what he did! His sins would not go unpunished! But I failed... I ruined everything. He captured and tortured me. I was so careless. And now, I let him take your grandfather away from you...", Uyari sobbed as tears welled up in her eyes and slid down her beautiful face.

"Oh geez. Please forgive me. I'm a complete idiot...", Lucas said.

"It's okay, I don't blame you. It's me who must solve this problem. He must not obtain the amazonite. That will only cause mayhem throughout Amazonia. Only I can prevent it. This is what I was born to do. This is my mission! Well... at least I thought so until recently. Now I know I'm not the only one...", the brunette considered.

"Huh? What do you mean Miss Z-, I-I mean Uyari...", Isabel asked.

"Y'shaati. She is also an A'nya. She is a guardian of the jungle like me. This is her home too...", Uyari pointed out. Just then, the boy and the woman turned to look at the wild blonde who hadn't uttered a single word in quite a while. The poor girl blushed as she felt watched.

"Really? I knew it! I knew you were special too!", said Lucas excited. Isabel kept silence.

"I saw it with my own eyes. Now I know it. That's the reason why we disappeared from the camp. At first I thought she was a demon. Many tribes claim to have seen a creature surrounded in a green glow. A wandering spirit. Some even claim to have been attacked by it, causing chaos and mischief in the villages. It moves like an ape. It lives among them, taking the form of a girl with golden hair, moonlight-clear skin and sapphire-blue eyes to deceive her victims. Those who worship her as a goddess call her Q'oya-Y'uraka'i, the queen of the monkeys. But those who fear and abhor her, call her The White Devil...", Uyari explained.

"Baloney! She widnae attack innocent people! She widnae do that... right, Y'shaati?", Isabel asked looking at the blonde. She didn't answer.

"Everything fit perfectly. Her name, her looks, her beauty. But most of all, her power. I thought she was dangerous. But I was wrong. Apparently, she just needs someone to guide her. And I think I must be the one to do it...", said the brunette.

"That sounds great to me. I've also seen what she's capable of. She's a wild angel! At your side, she will be a great ally. If the two of you join forces, you can easily defeat Faucault and his mercenaries and save my grandpa. I'm sure of it!", Lucas said hopefully.

"Och, heck naw! That ain't gonna happen!", exclaimed Isabel. "What!?", Lucas and Uyari asked in astonishment.

"I'm not gonnae let Y'shaati risk her life like that. It's too dangerous! She cannot continue living here alone in the jungle. She must return to her real home in Spain, with us!", the woman said very determined. "W-what? H-how do you know that?", asked Lucas nervous.

"The diary ye found... it belonged to my late fiancé, Francis García. He disappeared here. And yer Grandpa tried to hide it from me! Archie thought I widnae notice, but I did. When I looked into Y'shaati's eyes, with her hair pulled back... it was as if I had seen Francis again for an instant. She's the spitting image of her father. She's his daughter I can swear it!

"I-I don't think that's realistic. It's too much coincidence...", Lucas said. "The heart is never wrong!", replied Isabel.

"B-but even then, we can't take her out of here just like that. She has lived here all her life. Imagine how she'll feel if you take her away from the only world she has ever known...", the boy said trying to talk some sense into the doctor.

"But at least she willnae be alone anymore! She'll have me! I'll take care of her when we go home. I could adopt her as if she were my own daughter. I'll be the Maw she never had! I'll educate her and help her in any way I can. She's all I have left of Francis. I will make of her a beautiful and refined lady, just like me. I'll also give her a new name and her father's last name. Francis and I always wanted to have a daughter named... what was it? Oh, Iara! Iara is the name! Aye! That'll be her name! Iara García! She must have a better life. It's the least she deserves after suffering so much. Don't ye wish Y'shaati could live with us in Spain?", Isabel suggested. The dark skinned girl rolled her eyes.

"Well... of course I'd like that, but... I'm not sure if-", the boy hesitated, blushing. Y'shaati was trying her best to follow the conversation but she simply couldn't understand all those complex phrases except that they were probably talking about her.

"It seems to me that the one who has suffered the most is you, Dr. Isabel. Have you even stopped to ask yourself if Y'shaati really wants that?", Uyari asked.

"Well... uhm... no. B-But I think it's the most reasonable thing to do! She doesn't deserve to be here starving and living like an animal among stinky apes!", Isabel replied. Those words outraged the native a little.

"Listen doctor, I'm no one to stop you or tell you what to do. I have no doubt you would do a great job being her new mother and taking care of her. If you both want to take Y'shaati back to Spain and she agrees, I won't stand in the way. But what Lucas said is true. First we must save Dr. Escudero and she would be of great help to me in doing so. She is really strong, believe me. All I ask is this: let her stay with us in this mission. I will do everything to protect her. After that, you will be free to keep her and take her back to your country. Do you agree?", Uyari proposed.

"I...I... well, if that's the condition you put uhm... ach, fine! Whit’s fur ye’ll no go by ye, I guess. But please, be extremely careful. This isn't a game, those numpties are serious killers!", Isabel pleaded. Then, Lucas looked at Y'shaati in the eyes to ask her the ultimate question:

"Y'shaati. Would you really like to live with us in our home?", it took the blonde a few seconds to say something.

"Y'shaati go Lucas home...?", she asked.

"That's right. You would live there forever with me and Dr. Isabel. But that place is a totally different world and its far far away from here. You may never be able to return. Still... would you like to have a new life there?"

"Y'shaati like!", she answered naively. "Hooray! Excellent! Well said, my love!", Isabel celebrated by hugging her and kissing her front with affectionseveral times.

"W-well... I-Its decided then! Y'shaati will go back to Madrid with us! Heh heh... (Dammit. I was afraid she'd answer that way. She has no idea what she has just agreed to.... poor girl...)", Lucas thought with guilt and concern.

"Alright. It's settled. Let's waste no more time. We must save Dr. Escudero and stop those mercenaries from wreaking havoc in the jungle! Ikta!", Uyari exclaimed as he stood up. At that moment, the huge Onsa appeared from the foliage, startling the others.

"Oh sweet Lord...", said Isabel anguished. "P-please don't tell me we'll have to get on it?", Lucas asked sweating.

"Don't be afraid, she won't hurt you. This way we will get to my hideout much faster. We must prepare for battle!", Uyari said as she mounted Ikta. After putting out the bonfire, the three of them carefully climbed on the feline.

"Hold on tight. We'll travel through the treetops in the dark... could get messy...", the native girl recommended.

"WAIT WHAAAAT!?!?", the boy and the doctor shouted. Suddenly, Ikta ran off at full speed, taking a big leap into the branches of the trees. In the distance, the panicked screams of Lucas and Isabel could be heard. It was going to be one hell of a ride for them. Y'shaati, on the other hand, seemed to begin to enjoy the experience of traveling in the back of the beast.

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How did all end up like this? Is this what Y'shaati truly wanted? Perhaps it's what Y'shaati always deserved? Y'shaati doesn...