Mar 12, 2022



The trees shook violently from their very base. The earth trembled as if in an earthquake. Chunks of rocks and wood flew apart, raising a cloud of dust. Inside of it, the roars of a gray gorilla filled with rage could be heard. The big ape crushed anything that got in his way. Na'ek, the young new leader of the tahuayo troop was throwing a legendary tantrum. With every roar, the gorilla damned the leaders of the order of primates who, until a few hours before, had decided that they wouldn't take any action against Y'shaati, who had been absent of her duty for over a month. She would continue to be queen and guardian of all ape families. Hence, the reason of his wrath.

"Brainless elders! Incompetent! Every one of them! Elders completely out of their minds!", Na'ek exclaimed as he destroyed a log with his massive arms. "Fooled by an inept girl... undeserved queen who cares more about humans from the outside than us apes! Inconceivable!", he shouted as he lifted and tossed a huge boulder. "Na'ek curses the hour Y'shaati was chosen queen! Na'ek should be king of apes! Y'shaati will lead apes to extinction!", he growled smashing the ground with his fists. The gorilla finally stopped.

He was panting, feeling exhausted and frustrated. Everything was destined to fail in his thoughts. However, a very disturbing sound put his senses on alert in just a second.

"Kyeeeeeeeeeeeeee kyeheeheeheeheeheehee...", someone cackled, hidden the tree branches.

"Who there!?", Na'ek asked while looking around.

"Such temper he has! Classic of your species! We can tell Na'ek still young and inexperienced bwah hah hah hah, ooh hoo hoo hoooo!", said an unknown creature.

"That laugh. Na'ek hear it before somewhere...", the gorilla suspected.

"Oh? A connoisseur he is! Worthy leader, yes yes! Knows who we are, yes he does, hah hah hah hah hah!"

"Show yourself! Who you!?", the gorilla demanded.

"Name be Tau, King Kataanga's mouth, kyeeeeeeehehehehe..."

"K-Kataanga!? That mean... you Kwa'tta!", the gorilla concluded.

"Ding ding ding! Hoo hoo, smart one he is! We listen Na'ek speech, we did! We couldn't agree more, we say. Primate order is wrong. Always wrong! Chit-chat, blah blah blah... filthy geezers they are, kyeheehee! Apes need new leader... Queen Y'shaati must fall kyeeee dee hee hee hee, HAAAAH HAH HAH HAH!!", said a weird monkey with an unsettling appearance: gray fur, long white beard, scrawny body and with only one nasty prolapsed eye. The way his limbs trembled implied he was very old. Behind him, three other younger monkeys of the same species were laughing in the same way.

"Grrrr... begone, maniacs! Kwa'tta monkeys have no voice nor vote in primate order. Your kind expelled long ago for you and your king's insanity!", Na'ek pointed out.

"Hah hah hah hah! Tau watching... Tau aaaaaaaaaaaaalways watching, gah hah hah hah! Oooooh... we know how much Na'ek hate queen of monkeys, we do. She awful queen, no good, bad bad, very bad! Because of her, Tahuayo's former master dead. Yes really dead he is, boo hoo hoo hoo... Kyeheheheheheeeeee!, the monkey said in a mocking tone. "Wouldn't Na'ek seek punishment for her?", he asked.

"Huh? Indeed. The correct thing to do. Justice must be done! Tch, even crazy monkeys like Kwa'tta know what should be done better than elders...", the gorilla agreed.

"YES YES YES!! Kyeheheheeeee! So, say say... what if we do something about it?", the old monkey proposed.

"Uh? What could possibly Kwa'ttas do?", Na'ek asked in disbelief.

"Oooooh hoo hoo hoo... let's say Kwa'ttas and Na'ek interests align. Kwa'tta and Nae'k want same thing. Kwa'ttas and Na'ek can both win, we can! But only if Kwa'ttas and Na'ek work together..."

"What Kwa'ttas up to?", the gray gorilla asked again.

"The perfect plan, we have! No one will ever know! Nothing can go wrong! At the end of day, Na'ek will be king of all apes, we assure! Hah hah hah! Oh, ah, hoo… Bwah hah hah hah!", the monkeys laughed.

"Na'ek king? Hmmmmm...", the gorilla thought with a hand on his chin.

"YEEEEE! What does Na'ek say?", the old monkey asked with a ugly grin on his face.

"Hmmmm... interesting. Tell Na'ek more...", the gorilla answered with a smug smile.



At midnight, several hours after traveling through the jungle, Y'shaati and the others finally arrived at Uyari's little hideout. When Ikta landed, Lucas and Isabel hopped off the feline's back in desperation. Apparently, the Onsa ride wasn't an experience the two of them would ever want to repeat in their lives.

"Thank God that's over...", Lucas sighed relieved. "Thank you, sister", the dark-skinned girl kissed the feline's head to show her gratitude. Ikta purred in response. When they entered the cave, the doctor couldn't help but comment on such a unique place.

"Errr well... I wasn't expecting this. Ye really live here?", Isabel asked a bit uncomfortable.

"It's not much, but it's home. I apologize for the mess, many things happened that aren't worth mentioning", Uyari said a bit ashamed as she picked up the clothes lying all over the floor.

"Och, no worries. Ye should see Lucas room back at the university. This place is a palace compared to that dumpster, haha!", the woman laughed.

"D-Dr. Isabel! You didn't have to tell her that!", the boy said blushing. "What? Cleaning yer room once in a while widnae do ya any harm, ya know?", the doctor claimed.

"I recommend that you two try to get as much sleep as you can. You will need to be well rested for what's coming. I have some sheets here so you can cover yourselves from the cold. If you like, I can light some candles for you as well", the brunette offered. The wild girl, still unable to remember the duel that happened there, felt that she had been in that place before. Curious, she began to inspect Uyari's wooden furniture.

"Thanks, but what about you and Y'shaati? You girls should rest too...", Lucas asked.

"We'll do. First, I have to discuss a matter with her. It's something between us. Fortunately, we still have time. Thanks to Ikta, we've saved ourselves hours of travel. With a little bit of luck, we'll reach Mura Nunka before Faucault and his men do", the native girl mentioned.

"No problem at all, darlin. Uhm wait... where's the bed?", Isabel asked. Uyari just pointed to a small hammock at the back of the cave. "Oh my...", the woman sighed.

"Hey, caves aren't so bad. Be thankful we have a ceiling to rest under", Lucas said preparing to sleep on the floor. "In fact, I spent several nights with Y'shaati in one, remember monkey girl? Ah! Y'shaati get down from there!", the boy exclaimed when he saw the blonde climbing on top of a wardrobe.

"It's okay, don't scold her. There's nothing to worry", Uyari said calmed as she walked towards the cabinet. From there, she searched and took out a small decorated basket made of bamboo. Y'shaati observed her closely while hanging upside down.

"What's that?", Lucas asked. "It's something of great value to me... and I think it's time to put it to use!", the brunette replied turning to look at the feral girl. "Would you come with me, Y'shaati? I want to show you something in private", she asked. Y'shaati smiled and jumped off the cabinet.

"We'll be back in a few minutes. Have a good night, you two!", Uyari said to the boy and the doctor before leaving the cave. Y'shaati followed her closely.

"Oh... alright. Good night then, I guess...", Lucas said. "Night, gals! Sleep well... coz I'm surely won't...", Isabel said trying to lie down inside the hammock.

Outside the hideout, the girls walked together to the edge of the swamp and sat down in a big rock. Uyari still carried the basket with her. At that moment, the dark-skinned girl looked up at the sky to gaze at the stars. It was a beautiful night. The savage girl looked up as well. Then, both started to talk telepathically again to understand each other better.

"(Y'shaati. I need your help...)", Uyari said. "(I know I have no right to ask you this, and you have no obligation to accept. But I don't think I can do this on my own. I already failed once. I've made a lot of mistakes, and I don't want to fail again)", she admitted.

"(Uyari fight bad humans?)", Y'shaati asked. "(Uhm yes, that's right. We must save Lucas Grandpa and prevent the bad humans from doing terrible things. But it will be really dangerous. We will have to take their lives in the worst case, as a last resort...)", the brunette warned.

"(Take lives...?)", the feral girl asked. "(That means kill. Have you ever killed someone before?)", she answered.

"(Oh... yes. Y'shaati kill to protect apes once. Y'shaati deal with danger every day! Y'shaati no fear!)", she said bravely. "(I have no doubt about that. You have impressed me more than once. They way you defeated those thugs the other day when you and Lucas came to my rescue was remarkable. You have extraordinary skills. Not to mention your strength is greater than mine. You and I are the same in that aspect. We both fight to protect those who need us...)", Uyari mentioned.

"(Uh, Uyari and Y'shaati not same...)", the blonde corrected. "(Uyari Onsa, Y'shaati Naka'i)", she stated.

"(Yes, I'm already aware of that. But that doesn't matter. We share the same purpose, which is to protect the jungle with our lives, isn't it?)". Just then, the savage girl remembered something. "(Master K'uno explain same thing to Y'shaati long ago...)"

"(K'uno? Wait... you're saying that mighty and fearsome gorilla was your master!? You trained with Tahuayos!?)", Uyari asked amazed. "(Yes! Uyari know Master K'uno too?)"

"(No, but I heard about him. He was one of the most imposing and respected leaders in all of Amazonia until his death. Goddesses, now I understand where you learned all those advanced wrestling techniques. Your training must have been tough! No Onsa ever dared to even face him. He was... legendary, to say the least...)"

"(Master K'uno train Y'shaati every day to be guardian... Master K'uno would like see Y'shaati help Uyari)", she implied.

"(Really? That means you will fight by my side?)", Uyari asked. "(Y'shaati fight bad men with Uyari!)", the wild girl replied.

"(T-Thank you so much Y'shaati. That means a lot to me!)", the native girl celebrated and gave her a cute hug. Then, she showed her the contents of the basket she was carrying in her hand.

"(In my tribe's beliefs, these objects are given to those who are considered A'anya: guardians like us. Maybe they don't have the same value as they used to. You don't have to wear them if you don't want to, but I think this is one of those situations where it would be good to respect the traditions)," she said as she took a pouch containing some sort of red powder. She applied some to her face as Y'shaati watched interested.

"(If we want to be guardians, we should look like real guardians! Don't you think?)", Uyari asked. The blonde nodded with a cute smile.


A few hours later, at dawn, Y'shaati and Uyari returned. After resting on the outside, the girls came back to the cave. The moment had come.

"Lucas, Dr. Isabel, wake up. It's time!", the brunette said shaking them to wake them up. "Uh...? What's happening...? Morning already...?", the boy asked still sleepy.

"Ach... what's all the fuss about? 5 minutes, please... Oh? Ah! Gals, what happened to ya!? Ahhh! Ouch! That hurt...", Isabel exclaimed when she opened her eyes. Due to the surprise, she accidentally fell out of the hammock. It was then that Lucas noticed the new appearance of both girls.

"Whoa! H-Holy cow... what the...? Is that really you, girls? I-I... I mean, you look so pretty and badass... and fearless!", Lucas said as he observed Y'shaati and Uyari displaying a beautiful crimson bodypaint on their entire bodies, hands and faces. Both were also wearing loincloths, necklaces, bracelets, rings and other tribal ornaments that made them look like true jungle warriors.

"Y'shaati pretty?", the blonde asked flattered. "Of course! I-I'm speechless!", Lucas replied a little too aroused.

"Get up! We have to leave right now if we want to get there in time! We only need one last thing...", Uyari said as she searched through her stuff for something essential. "Okay okay...", the boy replied.

"Question: which one of you knows how to use one of these?", Uyari asked showing a bow and some arrows.

"Oh not me. No way. I've never-", Lucas said before Isabel interrupted him. "Oh, I do! My, what a nice bow ye have there! Look at those details! Ye made it, darlin?", the woman asked.

"Yeah. I hope you don't have to use it, but you never know. Better be prepared to defend yourselves in an tricky situation", the native girl suggested.

"Wait, since when do you know how to use a bow, doctor!?", the boy asked in confusion. "I was young once too, hard as it is for ye to believe, love. At yer age, yours truly was an ace with this thing... although of course, it's been years since the last time I shot an arrow. I hope to still have the talent...", said Isabel accepting the weapon.

"That's good enough for me. You should also carry one of these each. Just be careful when wielding them", Uyari said, showing them a pair of primitive knives. "Damn! Are those teeth? What kind of monster has such huge teeth?", Lucas asked shocked.

"Jakare. Giant crocodile. I carved them myself. They were from my first hunt...", the brunette answered. "Y'shaati fight Jakare too!", the feral girl mentioned. "You did?", the dark-skinned girl asked surprised. 

"I see... hey, you girls won't be using any weapons?", the boy asked again.

"I will carry this spear. Y'shaati told me she won't use anything. Don't worry, I agree with her. Her body is a weapon on its own...", Uyari said confident in the blonde's abilities. Y'shaati smiled. "Alright, is everyone ready?"

"We're ready!", Lucas and Isabel exclaimed. Wasting no more time, the whole party came out of the cave. After taking a nice nap, Ikta was already waiting for them outside of it.

"Oh no... d-don't tell me we have to do this AGAIN!?", the woman pleaded. "I-I guess it was to be expected... oh man...", the boy sighed.

"Sorry, but it's the only way to get to Mura Nunka before them! Quickly! You know how to do it!", Uyari said as she and Y'shaati mounted the Onsa. With nothing left to do, they both did the same. "We will take a shortcut. We'll travel through the marshlands. Let's go Ikta!", she ordered. The huge feline took a big leap into the treetops. One last journey throughout Amazonia awaited them: the final confrontation.

"Hang in there Grandpa! We're coming for you!", Lucas said with determination.



Following the directions given by Uyari, Faucault and his group of mercenaries traveled down the Javary River aboard the steamboat that until a couple of months ago served as a means of transportation for the expedition group. Inside the boat, Dr. Escudero was locked in a dark room and tied with rope. Some of the men began to wonder if the native girl had really told the truth, as the river seemed to have no end. However, their doubts were dispelled when they finally reached that intimidating rock wall the brunette mentioned. It was as if an ancient civilization had carved a giant human face into it, and its mouth served as a passageway to its interior. The entrance was covered by long tangled vines and thick roots, again confirming the tour guide's words. Rubbing his hands together, Faucault ordered his men to throw a torch and set fire to what was blocking the way. As it burned, a strange inscription written in an unknown language was revealed to be at the entrance of the tunnel. They ignored it completely. The path to Mura Nunka and the Amazonite was open.

"Well look at that, who would've guessed? Looks like the bitch was honest with us after all, hahaha! Do you see that, gentlemen?", said Faucault to his men. "That's the last path that separates us from glory and absolute wealth! Let's keep moving forward and reclaim the treasure those damned savages have hidden from the world for centuries!", he shouted to motivate his crew. His men raised their arms in the air, cheering their leader. Faucault couldn't help but flash a creepy grin. His wish was getting closer to becoming reality.

"Marco, do me a favor and bring the old man here. We don't want him to miss out the greatest discovery of his life, do we?", Faucault ordered ironically. "Ugh, aye aye sir...", the boy grumbled and walked towards the cabin in search of Grandpa. The boat continued sailing through the tunnel. The place was quite dark, so the crew lit more torches to illuminate the way. Meanwhile, Marco opened the door to the room where Dr. Escudero was imprisoned.

"Time to wake up, Doctor", said Marco before kicking Grandpa in the stomach. "Arrgh! Dammit... what the heck do you want from me?"

"Captain wants to show you something. We're almost at Mura Nunka. Soon we will raid this place and finally get out of this damn jungle!", the boy said.

"Marco... why are you doing this? A treasure will never give you the happiness, power or whatever it is you are looking for...", said the doctor. "Why did you betrayed us? I gave you my trust and now you spit in my face!"

"Ha! I never needed your trust nor anyone else's. It's thanks to my actions that I was able to get where I am now. You were just a means to achieve it!", the boy said as he lifted the old man off the floor.

"Listen to yourself. You disappoint me, son. But hear me out, it's not too late! You can still do the right thing! I'm sure you can make up for your mistakes! You're not like these guys, you're not a murderer! I know deep down you are still that smart boy I knew years ago! If you release me, we can forget about all this and escape together!", Grandpa mentioned trying to convince him.

"Hahahaha! That person never existed! Take a good look because this is the real me! Now shut up and keep walking!", Marco exclaimed while pushing him. However, just then some strange sounds could be heard. "Wait, what's that?", Grandpa asked. "Who cares!?", the boy replied.

It sounded like if someone or something were banging the ship from outside. It didn't take long for the crew to notice it too. All the men went on alert. "What the hell is going on? Don't just stand there, find out where that noise is coming from!", Faucault ordered. Several mercenaries began to patrol and inspect the surroundings. One of the mercenaries walking through deck discovered something suspicious.

"H-hey, is this normal? There are lots of bubbles in this side of the boat! I think there's something in the water...", the man mentioned. One of his companions approached with a torch to get a better look. "Hmmmmm... I'm not sure but I'd say its sharks...", the other merc said. "Sharks?", the captain asked.

"Are you retarded? Those clearly aren't sharks, those are-", at that moment, a huge fish with sharp teeth and red eyes jumped out of the water and bit him on the arm, pulling him out of the boat. "AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!", the man fell into the water, being immediately devoured by dozens of the same species.

"PIRANHAS!!!", the mercenaries shouted. Suddenly, the piranhas started jumping all over the place, biting and tearing off the flesh and limbs of several crew members. The boat's deck turned into a bloody chaos. Luckily, Marco and Dr. Escudero remained safe inside the cabin. "What the fuck!?", Marco asked. "Piranhas!? Oh no, this is bad...", Dr. Escudero said worried.

"Shoot the water!! Kill those fuckers NOW!!", Faucault ordered as he saw several of his men fall into the water and serve as food for the aquatic beasts. The mercenaries began to kill as many piranhas as they could with their guns and machetes, but there were simply too many of them and it was hard to shoot them. In a few seconds, the crew was overwhelmed with so many fishes chomping corpses and flying in the air. But that wasn't the worst. The piranhas were also devouring the hull of the ship, so it would be just a matter of minutes before the water began to seep in and sink the boat. The captain spotted it on time.

"No wait, cease fire!! It's pointless, we're just wasting ammunition! Do you see that!? We need to stop them or we will end up drowned!! Bring the fuel tanks, I have an idea!", the captain shouted as his men continued fighting. "Y-yes boss, right away!!", a couple of men replied. Dodging the jumping piranhas, they quickly ran to the storage room and grabbed two canisters each. "W-what do we do with these, boss?", they asked when they returned.

"Isn't that obvious, idiots? Spill it in the water and light' em up! Send them back to hell!", Faucault said angered. The men obeyed instantly pouring the fuel and throwing a torch. Upon contact with the fire, the entire river was engulfed in flames, burning the piranhas accumulated around the boat. Those that survived fled into the depths. The ship took heavy damages but it was good to go. The mercenaries celebrated the unexpected triumph. Some of them had deep bites on their bodies. The boat didn't stop sailing.

"I think they solved it. Gosh, it could have gotten ugly...", Dr. Escudero said still in the room with Marco. "That's it?", the boy asked.

"Hah Hah!! Eat dick, suckers! We're not gonna to let a few little monsters stop us! You want some of this? Come on, we're ready!", boasted one of the men. Coincidentally, a tenebrous shriek answered the mercenary's challenge. All the others pointed their guns at the water, thinking something would come up from below again. "W-w-what the hell was that!?" the same guy asked startled. The sound this time was different, like if something were approaching fluttering.

The man tried to look up, but his reaction was too slow. Unexpectedly, an almost human-sized bat pounced on him and teared off his throat, killing him fast. The mercs contemplated the gruesome scene. "Sweet Jesus! What the hell!?", one of them screamed before shooting it with his rifle.

"Oh great, now what?", Grandpa said trying to see out through a hole in the door. "More Piranhas?", the boy asked.

"HOLY SHIT!! WHAT THE FUCK ARE THOSE THINGS!?", one man shouted terrified pointing upwards with his finger. Thanks to the light produced by the flames, the other mercenaries could spot even more hideous creatures creeping on the ceiling. Bats, nasty insects and other vermin descended and began to attack the crew. A symphony of screams, gunshots and snarls echoed through the tunnel. The men seemed defenseless against the horrors, even with their weapons. The winged beasts were big enough to lift them and inject them with a paralyzing poison, taking them to their nests to devour them later.

"Holy mother... its madhouse out there! We better remain here!", Grandpa suggested. "Yeah no shit!", Marco said scared.

"Hell, this passage is a deathtrap!! We can't stay here long, we need to increase the speed!!", Faucault ordered without hesitation. Trying to save his men wasn't in his plans. "W-what? But we can't just leave them like this...", said the man in control of the boat, thinking of his brothers in arms. "I SAID SPEED UP!!", the captain demanded. "A-Alright..."

With more than half of his men killed, the boat was getting really close to reaching the other side. The cost had been high, but Faucault didn't care about that. The amazonite was the only thing in his mind. The mercenaries who survived gazed at what seemed to be their goal at the end of the tunnel. "Hey, is that what I think it is...?", one of them asked. When they came out of it, the sunlight allowed them to see it. The ruined temple was right in front of them.

"Yes, yes, yes... YEEEEEEEESSSS!!! We made it, at last... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!", Faucault laughed maniacally.


While all this happened, Y'shaati and the others finally made it to the entrance of Mura Nunka as well, thanks to the shortcut they took and Ikta's impressive speed. Unfortunately, they all had arrived late. Watching from the heights, Uyari immediately noticed the smoke produced by the burnt vines and roots above the entrance. The brunette was forced to change the strategy she had already planned. Improvising wasn't one of her best qualities, much less against the clock. Every second counted and it was time for her to decide the best course of action.

"Curses! They already passed through here! I was hoping we could stop them before they got through the passage. This just got more complicated...", Uyari said frustrated.

"Why? W-what's in that passage?", Lucas asked concerned. "You don't want to know, believe me", she replied.

"Gosh... look at the size of that thing, its massive!", Isabel said surprised, pointing to the giant face carved in stone. "How could primitive people create something like that?", she asked.

"They were not primitive. The Icamiabas were a highly advanced civilization. Legend says they were direct descendants of the N'epyru, the race of primordial gods who created Amazonia. This is only one of many vestiges they left behind across the jungle before they mysteriously vanished...", she answered.

"Did they create the amazonite too?", the boy questioned. "I don't know... but I wouldn't discard that possibility...", she said. "Okay so... what's the new plan?", he asked.

"We'll enter through that hole, the left eye of the Icamiaba", Uyari said pointing the path they would take. "It's safer that way than through the tunnel. See those symbols? It's a warning sign..."

"Warning of what?", asked Isabel. "Of the horrors that dwell in there. We don't have much time! Come on Ikta!", Uyari commanded. The Onsa ran and took a great, precise leap to enter through that small opening.

"Och, this place is black as the Earl of Hell’s Waistcoat! I can't make out anything!", the doctor mentioned as they advanced. Halfway through, the light from the flames in the water allowed them to see the grotesque carnage of Faucault's men from just minutes ago: mercenaries wrapped in nests like prey. Others being slowly mutilated and eaten alive on the walls by the foul creatures that lived there. Their cries of agony and pleads for help were dreadful. "Jesus... what happened here...? Ugh, I think I'm gonna puke...", Lucas said nauseated as he watched.

Y'shaati's noble heart made her consider the option of helping the men, however, Uyari stopped her holding her hand before she made a mistake. "No help!?", the blonde asked. "No. The bad humans made a choice. Now they're paying the consequences. We can't do anything for them. They are already lost souls...", the brunette replied. Y'shaati merely watched in anguish.

Just after reaching the end of the passage, they all managed to spot Faucault and his men descending from the boat and walking across a huge platform made of huge blocks of stone. That path was the only way to reach the flooded temple that lay on the other side. All around was nothing but water. Marco and Dr. Escudero were also there. Only a few meters separated Faucault from his long-awaited treasure.

"There they are!! Grandpa is there too!! Quick, we have to hmmhmm-hmmhmm!!"Lucas exclaimed in a loud voice. Isabel covered his mouth with her hands. "Haud yer wheesht, dummy! This place is very open, they might hear your echo!", the woman said. "I-I'm sorry...", the boy said ashamed.

"Okay, here's what we'll do: Y'shaati and I will go down there and engage to prevent them from entering the temple. You two keep riding on Ikta at all times. Trust her, take care of her and she will take care of you. Dr. Isabel, don't hesitate to use the bow I gave you if necessary. When you see an opportunity, try to free Dr. Escudero, but only when it is completely safe. Don't take any risks, understood?", Uyari said whispering.

"Okay, we'll try but I don't promise antyhing. Please... be careful girls!", Isabel pleaded to both of them. "Good luck Uyari. Good luck, monkey girl...", Lucas said, putting his hand on Y'shaati's shoulder. She blushed.

"We will. Y'shaati, are you ready?", the native asked one last time. "Y'shaati ready...", the blonde replied with determination. "Alright, let's go!". At that moment, both girls jumped off Ikta's back and swung nimbly among the vines to descend in complete stealth. Their movements were so graceful and subtle that they produced no noise. Both were expert, holding on to the vines with hands and feet to avoid detection.

On the platform below, Faucault walked in front of his men while Marco carried Grandpa, still tied with a rope. The old man couldn't believe the extraordinary piece of architecture to which they were heading. Wide stairs awaited them to enter the temple.

"What do you think, Doctor? Impressive, isn't it? We are about to make history! This was your dream, wasn't it?", Faucault said sarcastically. "Tch! Don't even think you'll get away with it. Desecrating this ancient temple will be your undoing...", Dr. Escudero warned.

"Oh no, I'm shitting my pants already! What's gonna happen to us? Will a curse or some bullshit like that fall upon us? Pffffttt, hahahaha!", Marco mocked him. The mercenaries laughed too. Just then, one of them casually looked up, observing two shadow figures swinging in the heights.

"Oi Boss, I-I think I saw something up there...", the guy said. "Hmmmm?", Faucault groaned. They all stopped to look up too. There was nothing there. "You were saying?", their leader said.

"Oh... I'm sorry. I could swear I saw something, but maybe it was just my imagina-", the mercenary was suddenly kicked by a dark-skinned bare foot right in the face, falling straight into the water. Not even three seconds passed before piranhas appeared and dragged him into the depths. All the mercenaries observed in fear.

"Oh shit, we got company!!", another one yelled. However, before he could aim his gun, the man was pierced by a spear right in the leg. The guy screamed in pain and fell to the ground, bleeding. "AAAAAAAAARRRRRGGHHHHHHH, WHAT THE FUCK!?"

"Fire!!", the men screamed as they began firing their weapons in all directions. Unluckily for them, they didn't managed to hit anything. No one was there. Faucault began to laugh hysterically, to everyone's surprise. "B-Boss... you okay!?", the mercenaries turned to look at him, weirded out.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I was wondering when would you show up! Right on time, as I expected... you're very predictable, you know that girl? But this time I won't be so merciful!", Faucault said looking around him.

"W-what!? The savage is here!? but how-", another man said before Uyari pounced on him, giving a hard kick direct in his chest. "M-Miss Zé!?", Grandpa said in shock. "WHAT!? She again!? How the fuck did she get here!?, Marco asked infuriated.

"KILL HER!!!", all the mercenaries shouted. Before they could shoot her, Uyari sliced the knees of three of them with her knife and tripped them with a sweep kick while dodging several bullets at the same time. Her movements were so fast that the men fell to the ground, disabled to stand again. One of them crawled to reach his gun, but she stopped him stomping his neck with her foot. Unfortunately, there were still enough mercenaries left, so she ended up surrounded after a few seconds.

"Hahahahaha! Majestic... playing your role to perfection! You never cease to impress me!", Faucault applauded. "But I'm afraid that's as far as your demonstration of combat and acrobatics went... you were really stupid to think that you alone could take us all down. Didn't the savages of your tribe teach you how to count? Oh well, it doesn't matter anymore... any last words?", Faucault said as all the men pointed at him, waiting his order to shoot at will. Uyari slowly stood up before looking at them.

"I'm not alone...", she said with a serious voice. "W-what...?", Faucault stuttered.

Just then, Y'shaati fell from above, crushing one of the mercenaries. The shockwave of the impact caused the other men to fall on their backs. The blonde remained perched on the merc's head as she stared right at Faucault's eyes. She looked fearsome with that red paint all over her naked body, in combination with her azure eyes. Faucault remained terrified and speechless for a few seconds before he could pronounce a sentence again:


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How did all end up like this? Is this what Y'shaati truly wanted? Perhaps it's what Y'shaati always deserved? Y'shaati doesn...